Yep, that's us on the bottom of the list. You're welcome to take our banner, all we ask is that you link to the front page. And please, tell us. That way we can come over for a visit and sign your guestbook.

Storyteller's Campsite - Home of Allaire Mikháil

Some of the best writers of Fraser/Kowalski fiction on the net are found here. Do check them out. You'll be glad you did.

AuKestrel's (mostly) Due South Fanfic

Barb's Multi-FanPlex

Basingstroke's Fiction

cmshaw's Fanfic

Corrinne's Corner

when the world is puddle-wonderful: lamardeuse's site

little-b's The Leisure Hive

Lordess Renegade's Fan Fiction

Miriam Heddy's Little Corner of the Universe

Moonpuppy's Methosian Pathways

Nicci Mac's Entropic Cascade

Ophelia's Notebook

Raven's Nest

in medias Res

Shrift's Fan Fiction


Speranza's Due South Fiction

Sylvie's Due South Page

Ximeria's Lair

Zen and nancy's House of Slack

Shell's Home Page

The following are communities and sites that focus on our favorite actors and their roles.

The DS Noticeboard

The DS Weekly

RSGS Talk on LiveJournal

RSGS Talk on Yahoo Groups



Hugh Dillon Redemption Choir

While below are archives and sites in different fandoms that we enjoy visiting. We hope you will like them too.

BritSlash Archive

Rare Slash

Unit B


Maygra's Musings

Thamiris' Odysseys and Ecstasy

Fake FanFiction

And here are some cliques and fanlistings we're most interested in.

Lastly, these are a few wonderful resources for readers and writers.

National Coalition Against Censorship

PEN American Center